Sony Pictures Hires Crisis Expert Judy Smith for PR Help

(Image: Getty)

Sony Pictures has definitely gotten themselves involved in a scandal that only the real life Olivia Pope can fix.

To help advise executive Amy Pascal and the studio on the next steps they should take following their recent hack attack, Sony has tapped crisis management expert Judy Smith to assist them with repairing their reputation.

For the past few weeks, Pascal and other Sony executives have been under fire for failing to secure the company’s computer system, which thanks to hackers, has resulted in leaked employee Social Security numbers, salaries, movie budgets and personal email exchanges from Pascal’s inbox.

U.S. officials believe North Korea is behind the hacking incident that has caused such an uproar. However, officials from the country deny these allegations, but have repeatedly expressed their disapproval of the Sony film, The Interview

, which has a plot centered around the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Last week, the hackers posed an online threat that lead to theater owners nationwide refusing to screen the film and Sony pulling the plug on the movie’s Christmas release.

While Sony’s latest crisis is a nightmare come true for many companies, the severity of the incident is nothing new to Smith, whose past work includes rescuing the reputations of high-profile clients like Monica Lewinsky, Wesley Snipes and Michael Vick.


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