Some Consumers Are More Concerned about Going Broke Than Dying – Black Enterprise

Some Consumers Are More Concerned about Going Broke Than Dying

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Financial concerns are gripping some consumers with terror. In fact, some are so concerned about their finances that it burdens them more than catching up on old times with the Grim Reaper.

Personal finance website conducted a study to gauge the level of consumers’ financial fears, and to see which ones caused the most worry.

Roughly 66% of the respondents’ answers pointed to financial fears. What is most surprising is that respondents feared living paycheck to paycheck, going into debt, or homelessness more than death.

Key findings:

  • Fear of unemployment was most common among millennials.
  • Respondents age 45 and up said they were most afraid of never getting out of debt.
  • When queried about their most dreaded financial chore, most Americans chose paying their bills, followed by asking people to pay them back.

Read the entire study here.
