Social Media: The New Currency – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Social Media: The New Currency

2. Build an online community on the previously mentioned sites by always having something purposeful to say to engage your budding following. Use your existing relationships (family, friends, and colleagues) to build your fan base.

3. Create a blog. Blogging is your forum to provide an authentic commentary on a subject, combined with images and links, and allows you to interact with readers via their comments and your responses. If you are looking for maximum exposure and an indefinite shelf life for your material this is a smart starting point. (I recommend using WordPress to start your blog).

4. Become an Internet superstar with a viral video. Create a slick informative commercial about your company that is no longer than 5 minutes long with a video camera; post it on YouTube, distribute it to your e-family, and solicit reviews. TV producers are in search of homemade commercials to discover “new” and “authentic” talent for TV programs and various media platforms.

5. Host your own radio program. I host a monthly program on, which is free to set up, easy to produce, and a strategic way to promote your talent and expertise. Internet radio will improve your Google index when people search for your business/brand.

6. Create a podcast on iTunes to showcase your brand to potential clients. There are many free guides available online, but I recommend using the one created by Digital Trends.

How are you incorporating these tips to create greater awareness for your brand? I look forward to your comments.

Caviar & Chitlins’ Moment: Don’t wait for the perfect time to be a part of the social media revolution. Jump in now–the Internet is open for business 24 hours a day.

Karen Taylor Bass, The PR Expert, provides entrepreneurs, corporations, and mompreneurs with essential branding, marketing, and public relations coaching; and Follow Karen’s tips and Caviar & Chitlins moments at Twitter,
