Social Media Connection: Francina Harrison, The Career Engineer

This week's Social Media Connection is Francina Harrison, a career, business and employment coach, is better known by the name she shares with her business, The Career Engineer (TCE). Her firm provides social media and e-commerce coaching, career and business networking events and media and marketing solutions for entrepreneurs. She's also author of A Mind to Work: The Life & Creer Planning Guide for People Who Want Need to Work. In her own words, Harrison shares how she uses social media to achieve her goals.

This week's Social Media Connection is Francina Harrison, a career, business and employment coach, is better known by the name she shares with her business, The Career Engineer (TCE). Her firm provides social media and e-commerce coaching, career and business networking events and media and marketing solutions for entrepreneurs. She's also author of A Mind to Work: The Life & Creer Planning Guide for People Who Want Need to Work. In her own words, Harrison shares how she uses social media to achieve her goals.more
Twitter (www.Twitter.com/CareerEngineer): For me, Twitter is a great tool to share and promote "in the moment” events, news, offers and to generate "buzz" on brand appeal. With the ease of typing only 140 characters and pressing send...it fits into my demanding lifestyle and "simply' makes sense to me. The power of Twitter for my business rests in the generating great content that gets, "re-tweeted", and building a solid engaged "listener base" versus 50,000 unvetted random followers. My main dislike, are all the "sales pitches" and get follower quickly schemes that are annoying and showcases Twitter users who "don't get it". Other than that...I am truly a Tweet Elite who has threaded the Twitter Phenomena into my business marketing.more
Social Oomph (www.socialoomph.com): For Twitter ease, I use applications such as SocialOomph which allows me to "tweet in my sleep," vet followers, auto follow, send a genuine welcome message and to get alerts on TCE brand mentions or messages. In addition to that app, I connect my Twitter posts to our LinkeIn and Facebook accounts via #li & #fb hashtag synching and use Ubertwitter for my BlackBerry, which keeps me plugged in and tweet ready.more
Facebook (www.Facebook.com/TheCareerEngineer): With over 400 million earthlings on Facebook, our TCE Facebook branding has definitely produced increases in our reach, leverage, and profit by sharing great content and building key relationships. Currently we use our profile, group(s) and Fan/Like pages as a way to reach out and connect to current clients, potential clients, sponsors and corporate decision makers. Using our Blackberry Facebook app and Selective Twitter app helps us stay in real time with our audience and delivers an impression that "TCE is just a click away." (One of my “human” secrets to building trust and loyalty online.) One "newer" item on Facebook that I can see a great return on time investment is the Marketplace feature (Facebook's version of craigslist) where employers and business owners are marketing goods, services and bona-fide job postings.more
LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com/in/careerengineer): One of the main things I love about this community is its non social factors...this is a “grown folks” platform for serious business owners and professionals. Our business model is satisfied in this community via skill marketing our career changing clients; creating synergy with headhunters, contract recruiters and JV/procurement opportunities with small/large businesses. One of the most beneficial areas on LinkedIn for TCE which has created increased revenue and access... is the endorsement feature. When I am asked for references of our work, I immediately provide the decision maker (in REAL time) to our LI endorsements (which stand at 30 right about now) and these testimonials have shelf life that is priceless. We also enjoy engaging in group functions; Q&A and discussions which helps us connect with folks that are NOT a part of our networking sphere. Again building credibility that can convert to commerce. Yes, I have "closed business" via the power of this community.more
BlogTalkRadio (www.BlogTalkRadio.com/tce): Our TCE Career Talk Radio show has built an international following, earned a solid listener base, featured amazing guests/celebrities and truly is a sought after buzz factor on the Internet radio airways. If you have a message that needs to get out to the masses, the BTR radio network could be a great place to start. Our real-time chat room capabilities, automatic synching with Twitter & Facebook, ability to take LIVE calls from all over the world (and Skype calls too) fills the gap that traditional media can't fill. An iTunes partnership, social bookmarking to over 30 social networking sites and Listen On Demand(LOD) benefits gives unlimited shelf life and monetizing opportunities for your business. (It has for mine). Listen to us each Saturday at 10AM EST on TCE Career Talk Radio, http://www.blogtalkradio.com/tce.more
Ning, Groupsites & Niche Communities: I hold membership in several sites beyond the Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter communities and benefit from them more in terms of social capital and content sharing. These are great social networking communities as many of them have produced the desired reach to my target markets. Honestly, I am not as engaged with these sites as I once was, as many of their founders and/or members are on the "big three" social networks. But these private communities have produced a more intimate/personable value which has lead to increased revenues via favorable introductions and strong referrals. Some of my best social networking communities that I enjoy and find value are: Izania.com (pictured), EmpowerMe.org and LinkingPowerForum.com. more
More info to help you use social media to achieve your business goals: 3 Simple Ways to Shine On Social Media The Only 5 Social Media Sites You Need What's Your Social Media Strategy? 3 Social Media Network Management Tools Social Media: The New Currency more
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