How Social Media is Changing the Job Search Game – Black Enterprise

How Social Media is Changing the Job Search Game

job search

When it comes to your job search, “social capital” is one of your biggest assets for securing new opportunities. A 2015 study from the Aberdeen Group revealed that millennials, in particular, are driving this shift in social recruitment practices. The study cited that a significant majority of young people–73% of those in the 18-34 age group–found their last position on a social media platform. Using social sites like LinkedIn, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Jobster, Snagajob and new, trendy apps like JobR and Switch can be helpful for getting instant responses, social branding, interviewing, or making cold contacts. And, if you want to bypass the frustration of corporate applicant tracking systems, as well as dodge the time suck of blankly staring at your inbox hoping your résumé made it successfully through cyberspace and onto a hiring manager’s desk, social media might be your best route. In fact, using your social network and social sites to leverage connections can expedite your job search. A social job search can reduce your time-in-transition between jobs, minimize the number of job networking events on your calendar, and significantly slash the stacks of business cards you have to organize during a lengthy job search; perhaps, getting you to your dream job faster.

According to, 45% of all Fortune 500 companies include links to their social media profiles on their career home pages; and 92% of all companies are currently using social media for recruiting. With numbers like these, job seekers can’t afford to opt out of social media in their search. Consider these tips before you embark on your social job search.


  • Target key companies and positions and visit their social channels and pages to find the latest and most relevant company info and opportunities.
  • Research your network to discover who can connect you with jobs, recruiters, or provide insight on the companies and roles on your list. Come prepared with specific roles, job specs, or requisitions, and provide exactly what you need
  • Use Google+, FaceTime, Periscope, or Skype to reach out to reconnect with mentors and peers. Discuss your current goals and transition plan; ask for advice and support
  • Participate in webinars and social classes hosted by recruiters and industry experts where you can ask questions on the spot.
  • Reach out to people with your dream job–who you don’t know–and ask for a quick, 30-minute exploratory meeting to learn more about how they navigated their career path to achieve success. Generally, those who respond have an interest in helping others and will provide great feedback and insight.
  • Tap your network for a personal brand refresher. Leverage your network for LinkedIn profile and résumé reviews, headshots, networking event invites, and mock interviews to enhance your search and interview skills.


  • Become a pest by contacting your network incessantly about job opportunities.
  • Contact those in your network who you’ve had strained relationships with or failed to remain in contact/ There is nothing worse than receiving an email from someone who sends you greetings and/or a request and you haven’t spoken to them in years.
  • Share or promote inappropriate personal social profiles (e.g. containing unprofessional photos, content, or language)
  • Forget to follow up with recruiters and return Inmails, tweets, or inbox messages


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Toni the CEO & founder of The Corporate Tea, an online resource that provides unfiltered advice to help professionals navigate their careers. Toni is a career strategist & HR blogger with over a decade of experience in corporate America. For more insights and advice, follow her @thecorporatetea
