Skin, Mind, Body Essentials CEO on EcoPreneurship and Marketing “Green” Beauty – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Skin, Mind, Body Essentials CEO on EcoPreneurship and Marketing “Green” Beauty

(Image: File)

Which of your personal strengths do you think played a role in you building a successful company?

At my core I am an educator and lifelong learner. I am infinitely curious. I always want to understand how and why things work. That means that I am constantly learning & growing. This is a key point. As a business owner, you cannot be afraid to take risks. I do not allow myself to be hindered by calculating each and every step before I take the first one; my main focus is the goal. That is what motivates me. I believe that whatever I envision for the company can and will happen. I have tremendous confidence in my vision and what I am capable of achieving. I am proud to say fearless confidence is my strength!

In addition to being a CEO, you also travel and teach on skin and body care. Is having multiple streams of income something you recommend to other career and entrepreneurial women? Why so or why not?

I am passionate about educating others and I welcome the opportunities when they happen. I am a former high school and university professor so teaching is in my blood; it comes naturally for me. I am basically combining my love of teaching with my passion for beauty and wellness. It all sort of happens organically so I don’t necessarily see it as a separate entity, but I do think that it is important to broaden your reach when possible. That applies to people who don’t own their own businesses as well. If you work in a bank by day but have a passion for baking pies, think about how to parlay that passion into extra income. That way you always have something that you control in terms of your financial future.

How is well taken care of skin important as a professional woman?

It’s no secret that when we feel and look our best we exude confidence, which is perhaps the most important attribute to possess when facing the world—especially as a woman. It doesn’t matter if you work at home or in the corporate world, our exterior reflects how we are living, the choices we make, the habits we practice. I’m not talking about in a superficial way, but an overall state of being. Healthy choices, positive thinking, state of mind: They are all reflected in our appearance and especially in our skin. I don’t think it is about worrying about how others perceive us, it’s about how we feel about ourselves. I’ve never met a woman, or man, who said that they didn’t feel their best when they felt they looked their best. And clear, glowing and radiant skin is one of the things that make people feel confident. Just ask anyone who has suffered from skin issues.

What’s an eco-friendly practice professionals can adopt to bring out the best in their skin, minds and bodies?

For women it is as simple as washing off all makeup and night.

For those who are on their computer at a desk for most of the day, they can make sure that they get up every hour for five minutes and stretch. Another one that might not seem very exciting, but it is a game changer, is bringing your lunch to work and then taking time to eat it; not at your desk. Taking time to pack a healthy lunch (maybe leftovers from a, hopefully, healthy dinner the night before) will save you money, prevent food waste, and help maintain your health which is directly reflected in your skin. Taking time to eat is important. Many people shovel their food in their mouths at their desks and as a result, food is not being properly digested, leading to constipation and health issues over time. Eating slowly and enjoying some quiet time will help to rejuvenate your mind and relieve stress. People will find these small tips beneficial towards living a healthy skin, mind and body lifestyle.

Keep the green going and try these healthy greens in your smoothies.
