Smart Tech Solutions For Small Businesses

Is your small business in need of a big tech makeover? Are you thinking about starting your own company but are unsure of which tools you will need? If so, you might find some answers in Ramon Ray’s Technology Solutions for Growing Businesses (Amacom; $29.95). Ray emphasizes that technology is a tool that should not be substituted for solid business practices and that solutions may even include the absence of tech gadgets. Finding the right products for your company, he says, can maximize productivity while saving you time, money, and resources. Ray’s extensive guide touches on a range of tech solutions, from basic needs such as what type of computer to buy to more complex business needs, such as e-commerce and online marketing. He raises questions that most companies ask at one point or another, then proceeds to answer them in concise, yet detailed chapters.

Ray offers advice on almost every technical and business topic that a small business owner might find useful. He answers questions like, “What should I buy?” “How much should I spend?” and “How and when do I use it?” Using the easy-access table of contents, you can find the topic that fits your needs. The flexibility of the arrangement allows you to pick up at any point without losing the message of the book. Each chapter provides an overview, subsections targeting specific aspects of the topic, and real-life examples of how that tech tool is used in daily business operations. Ray even devotes entire chapters to address how printers, scanners, and even LCD projectors can be used efficiently. In addition, frequently asked questions on computer power management as well as the dos and don’ts of Internet security are examples of how Ray makes practical strategies easy to read, remember, and understand.

The author stresses that business owners should seek advice from consultants, IT staff, and other experts who can provide hands-on instruction and support. Ray also includes tips on how to use technology to improve customer service, human resources, and time management. This book is handy for business owners and employees alike.

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