How to Achieve Small Business Success Using Social Media – Black Enterprise

How to Achieve Small Business Success Using Social Media

Small Businesses Underutilizing Social Media

small business success using social mediaSocial media takes a lot of time and effort — more than most small business owners may want to put in. Done correctly, it can have a huge impact on your business. Many small business owners use social media networks but are not experiencing any success. The problem: many owners are only “dabbling” into the waters of social media. Instead of jumping into the pool they’re on the outside, barely getting their toes wet.

Social media is not going anywhere anytime soon, in fact it’s becoming more prevalent in our society. Owners need to embrace it because done correctly; social media can have a huge impact on your business.

Give your social media efforts priority

One of the main challenges of social media is the vast amounts of networks available. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, et al.  Owners who attempt to split their time between too many networks will feel overwhelmed and see minimal returns. The best course of action would be to stick to the two major networks: Facebook & Twitter. Twitter is simpler to use but more difficult to attract the right followers. Facebook is a bit more intricate, but more popular than all of the other social networks. Owners should learn the basics of each social network, create a simple yet informative profile, begin adding friends & requesting followers that are relevant to their business. A “less is more” approach is best when first starting out as one can easily feel overwhelmed. Stay consistent & true to what your business represents.

Don’t be afraid to experiment

The only constant with social media is that it’s constantly changing. In order to be effective, owners can’t be afraid to experiment. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake on social media, practice makes perfect. Take the tactics that aren’t working and tweak them. What works for another company may not work for your company, so to find your “sweet spot” on social media owners should experiment and find what works for them. Innovate and think outside the box.

Stay the course

Social media can be difficult, but your success is ultimately measured by what you put into it. Results often are not immediate and will take time to see. Organic growth on social media is often slow but worth the wait. Don’t give up and you’ll start to experience the success you desire. Owners should also rely on the large number of online support sites. Sites such as, or are great communities full of articles & content to help inspire your imagination. Social media takes commitment and time. But the success one’s business can achieve from using it properly are completely worth the effort.

