Many Small Business Vulnerable to Cyber Threats – Black Enterprise

Many Small Business Vulnerable to Cyber Threats

many small businesses vulnerable to cyberthreats

many small businesses vulnerable to cyberthreatsFrom

According to a new survey released by the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) and Symantec, (makers of the Norton family of cyber security products), U.S. Small business owners have a dangerously false sense of security when it comes to cyberspace. 77 percent of small-to-medium sized business owners feel their company is “safe” from cyber threats. However 83 percent of these businesses have no formal cyber security plan, even though small businesses increasingly rely on the Internet for their daily operation.

Cyber threats can include hackers, viruses, or malware as well as internal threats such as employees or ex-employees stealing data. Another often overlooked threat is data loss, which nearly 6 out of 10 small businesses admitting to not having a contingency plan in place for handing & reporting.  “A data breach or hacking incident can really harm (small-to-medium businesses) and unfortunately lead to a lack of trust from consumer, partners and suppliers.” said Michael Kaiser, executive director of the National Cyber Security Alliance.

Simple changes such as strong passwords, encryption of confidential information, and a disaster preparedness plan will help small businesses improve their online safety. Proper education of employees about security, the latest threats and what to do if they misplace information or suspect malware on their machine also will assist in keeping small businesses safe in the digital world. While having proper cyber security may sound expensive, the cost of not having being proactive & having a cyber security plan in place can end up costing a small business everything.

Read more at The Sacramento Bee
