Sizing Up The Candidates – Page 3 – Black Enterprise

Sizing Up The Candidates

schools, roads and bridges, ports, sewage, water, and environmental systems. Kucinich supports living wages.
On Education: Kucinich supports establishing universal pre-kindergarten programs that build on existing federal and state pre-kindergarten initiatives.
On Healthcare: Kucinich supports a universal healthcare program provided by a publicly financed single-payer plan.
On War: Kucinich opposed the war in Iraq.
On Rights and Justice: Kucinich backs affirmative action, would repeal the Patriot Act, opposes capital punishment, and supports organized labor and collective bargaining.

Most Recent Position: U.S. Senator from Connecticut, 1989 — present
Born: Feb. 24, 1942, Stamford, Connecticut
Education: Yale University, B.A., 1964; Yale University, L.L.B., 1967
On Jobs and the Economy: Lieberman proposes tax credits
to spur private research and development.
On Education: Lieberman supports funding to expand the national pool of math and science teachers and the number of American engineering graduates.
On Healthcare: Lieberman seeks to implement a MediKids plan of comprehensive care with low premiums and MediChoice, which would subsidize healthcare for low-income workers.
On War: Lieberman supported invading Iraq.
On Rights and Justice: Lieberman opposes racial profiling and supports access to the voting booth for everyone.

Most Recent Position: Founder and president, National Action Network, 1991 — present
Born: Oct. 3, 1954, New York
Education: Brooklyn College, 1973 — 1975
On Jobs and the Economy: Sharpton seeks to repeal Bush’s tax cuts except for those that would benefit the poor and middle-income families and to invest the tax savings in education, healthcare, housing, and infrastructure projects.
On Education: Sharpton seeks amendments guaranteeing all American citizens the right to high-quality public education.
On Healthcare: Sharpton seeks amendments to guarantee all American citizens the right to high-quality healthcare.
On War: Sharpton opposed invading Iraq.
On Rights and Justice: Sharpton backs affirmative action, opposes the death penalty, and supports voting rights or statehood for the District of Columbia.
