Sizing Up The Candidates – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Sizing Up The Candidates

invasion of Iraq.
On Rights and Justice: Dean opposes expansion of the Patriot Act, proposes federal legislation to restore the right to vote in any federal election for ex-felons, and seeks full voting representation in Congress for District of Columbia residents.

Most Recent Position: U.S. Senator from North Carolina, 1999 — present
Born: June 10, 1953, Seneca, South Carolina
Education: North Carolina State University, B.S., 1974; University of North Carolina, J.D., 1977.
On Jobs and the Economy: Edwards would postpone additional Bush tax breaks for families making more than $200,000, negotiate fair trade agreements, and provide a 10% tax cut to corporations that produce goods in the United States.
On Education: Edwards supports increased pay for teachers. He proposes providing states with funds to make the first year of tuition free at every public university and community college.
On Healthcare: Edwards proposes building a healthcare program where parents could use tax credits to help pay for private insurance.
On War: Edwards supported invading Iraq.
On Rights and Justice: Edwards supports a ban on racial profiling, backs affirmative action, and would safeguard organized labor.

Most Recent Position: U.S. Representative from Missouri, 1977 — present
Born: Jan. 31, 1941, St. Louis
Education: Northwestern University, B.S., 1962; University of Michigan, J.D., 1965
On Jobs and the Economy: Gephardt wants to implement the Apollo 21 energy plan, which would provide incentives to have passenger cars run on hybrid and fuel cell technologies. He wants a mandate calling for 10% of the nation’s energy to come from renewable sources in 10 years.
On Education: Gephardt will pursue a teacher corps based on the ROTC program to pay college loans for students who agree to serve as teachers for five years. He would make the first $10,000 of higher education costs tax-deductible.
On Healthcare: Gephardt supports health insurance coverage through the current employer-based system, with a targeted and refundable employer tax credit for employers.
On War: Gephardt supported invading Iraq.
On Rights and Justice: Gephardt backs affirmative action in college admissions.

Most Recent Position: U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, 1985 — present
Born: Dec. 11, 1943, Denver
Education: Yale University, B.A., 1966; Boston College, J.D., 1976
On Jobs and the Economy: Kerry opposes Bush’s tax breaks for Americans who earn more than $200,000. He wants to create jobs through infrastructure projects and expand the Small Business Administration’s 8(a) federal contracting program.
On Education: Kerry supports Head Start, school modernization bonds, full funding of special education programs, and increasing the maximum Pell Grant award. He opposes private school vouchers.
On Healthcare: Kerry supports a program that would allow Americans to buy into the same healthcare plan as the president and members of Congress while providing subsidies for those who can’t afford insurance.
On War: Kerry supported invading Iraq.
On Rights and Justice: Kerry opposes racial profiling and supports organized labor.

Most Recent Position: U.S. Representative from Ohio, 1997 — present
Born: Oct. 8, 1946, Cleveland
Education: Case Western Reserve University, B.A., M.A., 1973
On Jobs and the Economy: Kucinich opposes Bush’s tax cuts that benefit the wealthy and looks to retain an estate tax. He would use $500 billion of the revenues to rebuild
