From Teen Mom to Millionaire, Ronne Brown Shares How She Beat the Odds

SistersInc. podcast Episode 3, Beating the Odds with Ronne Brown

Entrepreneur and author Ronne Brown had a rough start in life. But she didn’t let that stop her success. In Episode 3 of the SistersInc. podcast, “Beating the Odds,” Brown tells how starting her own business saved her from becoming a statistic.

Brown grew up in a drug-infested home in the projects of Washington, D.C., and became a teen mom—with three kids by the age of 25.

“I had all of the odds stacked against me. But I knew that there was something more for me,” Brown says. “When you’re young and you have kids, everyone is like ‘You’re life is over.’ I was really on a mission to show everyone that despite me having kids, I was going to fight hard for my success.”

Now the founder of Girl CEO

and author of From Mopping Floors to Making Millions on Instagram, Brown started out making products at home that she could sell via social media, before moving into direct sales.

“The passion behind what I’m doing is to show people, OK, you probably didn’t go to college. OK, you may have grown up in the projects. But what if you want to start your own business?

What if you want to be an entrepreneur? You can do it, and you don’t have to have all these fancy labels. You may not have this big degree. You may not have your M.B.A. But you can do it.”

But before Brown achieved her seemingly storybook success, there was a lot of struggle and some very smart social media strategy. To hear how she did it, check out Episode 3

of the SistersInc. podcast.

SistersInc. is Black Enterprise’s podcast for and about women business owners, hosted by Executive Managing Editor Alisa Gumbs. Black women are the fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs in America and on every episode, we’ll sit down with one successful CEO to share how she slays the challenges of being a black woman in business.

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