Should Darren Wilson Be Negotiating Resignation From Ferguson Police?

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While the residents of Ferguson, Missouri, and citizens around the world await the grand jury’s decision on the Mike Brown shooting, it seems that Officer Darren Wilson is already planning his exit.

According to CNN, the Ferguson police officer, who is at the center of this disappointing situation, is also in the final stages of negotiating his resignation from the force. Citing anonymous sources close to the discussion, Wilson may announce as early as Friday

(Nov. 21) that he plans on leaving the Ferguson police department. With the St. Louis County grand jury still deciding whether or not to indict Wilson, plenty of people are watching this with a cautious eye.

Wilson has

gone on record saying that his resignation would “ease the pressure” from his fellow officers, but negotiations stem on if the grand jury decides to indict Wilson. He may change his mind if charges are brought up. Prosecutors are expected to provide law enforcement with 48 hours notice before making a public announcement should the grand jury come to a decision Friday.

You can watch CNN’s report in the video below.

SOURCE: Mediaite

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