Sheena Roberson Wants To Make More Room For Women Of Color In The Cannabis Industry – Black Enterprise

Sheena Roberson Wants To Make More Room For Women Of Color In The Cannabis Industry

Cannabis, Black, Business, entrepreneur
(Photo: REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz)

It goes by many names: Mary Jane, cannabis and, commonly, marijuana. Still, no matter its title, the plant is projected to change the landscape of medicine and business as the country knows it. Retail cannabis is one of the most lucrative business ventures in 2023. 

Since its legalization, the cannabis market has been saturated with entrepreneurs hoping to take advantage of the ever-growing industry. Entrepreneurs are scrambling to set up shop both in-person and online. The United States cannabis market is valued at $13.2 billion and is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years, according to Ebony.

Cannabiz Media, a cannabis and hemp intelligence platform, revealed that by 2027 the global cannabis market revenue is estimated to reach $92.1 billion.

Black and Brown business owners are carving out their own space in the growing industry. Cannabis Noire founder Sheena Roberson seeks to create space for herself and others in her quest to make cannabis accessible for minorities and underserved communities, according to Candid Chronicle. She also wants to help create a gender-inclusive industry and bring more women of color to the forefront of the cannabis market.

One way she did that was by launching the Women of Color Cannabis Business and Wellness Conference. “This event is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of these Black women in the cannabis space, address the unique challenges they face and empower them to continue leading the way,” Roberson said.

The inaugural conference took place June 24 and June 25, 2023. Black women and women of color convened to discuss how to create new opportunities within the cannabis industry and amplify their voices, Ebony reported.

The conference provided panels and workshops to assist career women in learning money-making strategies. The event hosted over 30 female speakers, who offered advice about navigating business, entrepreneurship, and health wellness. 

RELATED CONTENT: Owner of Black-Owned Cannabis Wellness Brand Launches Platform to Help Other Startup Entrepreneurs
