Sheek Louch of The Lox Opens Up About Juggling Music, Entrepreneurship, and Real Estate

Sheek Louch (Image: Danny Hastings)

Sean Divine Jacobs is best known as Sheek Louch from the legendary hip-hop group, The Lox. As a recording artist, Sheek has been on stages worldwide and in studios in many cities. However, in addition to running a record label, D Block, and keeping people healthy with his Juices for Life, Sheek is involved in the real estate business.

In the second part of the series that focuses on the entrepreneurial spirit of The Lox, BLACK ENTERPRISE spoke with the rapper and businessman about his entrepreneurial ventures and future plans.

BE: What do you attribute to the success and longevity of The Lox?

Jacobs: Without the fans, we wouldn’t be anything. If they turned their backs, we probably wouldn’t want to do this anymore. And definitely the support of my brothers. I know it sounds generic when we say that, but it’s real talk.

Besides D Block and Juices for Life, what other things are you doing as an entrepreneur?

I’ve been heavily into real estate. I have a bunch of tenants right now. My original partner was my mom until

she passed. Before, I was just the financial guy behind all these houses. But then I had to jump headfirst into everything with all these properties and so now, I’m the landlord slash everything now. So, I’ve been doing that and flipping these properties.

How do you feel about the way the culture of hip-hop has branched off into film, television, real estate, and many other businesses?

I think it’s amazing. I think it’s amazing what these young guys… First of all, we opened the doors for all of that,

but it’s amazing where they are taking it and the kind of money they’re seeing right now. It’s dope. I just want them to take it seriously and take your bread—I’m going to sound like an old man—and invest it and don’t spend it too quick.

Outside of the business of making music, do you have any plans to explore any other ventures? Is there anything else you’d like to do as an entrepreneur?

Absolutely. I’m going to dive into more real estate ventures. You have to understand that property will keep appreciating; you can sell/rent or just keep it in your family forever generating money.

If you were asked to do a class on the business of hip-hop, what would you teach and why?

A class understanding where hip-hop came from. Who started it? Who were the forefathers in all of this? Some of these kids don’t even know that was The Message, they think Puff made those beats or Mase. You gotta know where these samples come from, who started it. Then we’ll jump into, like, the business part.

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