‘Shark Tank’ Investor Daymond John Seeks Restraining Order Against Former Contestant ‘Stalker Much?’ – Black Enterprise
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‘Shark Tank’ Investor Daymond John Seeks Restraining Order Against Former Contestant ‘Stalker Much?’

daymond john, shark tank, FUBU, entrepreneurship, financial literacy
(Photo courtesy of The Shark Group)

Shark Tank investor and businessman Daymond John is taking action against a former contestant claiming their experience with him has been unpleasant.

John, the only Black shark on the show, is pursuing a temporary restraining order and a pause on their business matters against the owners of Bubba Q’s Boneless Baby Back Ribs, a Black-owned business, the Los Angeles Times reports.

Al “Bubba” Baker, daughter Brittani, and wife Sabrina are accusing the FUBU founder and some of his business partners of misleading them, trying to take over their business and keeping profits from them of potential partnerships.

The barbecue business scored a deal—$300,000 for 30% of the company—on season five of the popular ABC show. After the show, the Bakers claim John changed the terms of the agreement to $100,000 for a 35% stake.

Questions started after they began working with Rastelli Foods Group, a meat manufacturer that was going to produce their patented product. The Bakers felt the partnership with John and Rastelli Foods was problematic as Al Baker wasn’t included in important business meetings and was kept from financial information.

They claim John ignored their complaints about a company hired to build their website as well as control the company’s bank. The family-owned business claim to have only received 4% of the $16 million in revenue from the business, stated publicly.

John and Rastelli Foods have filed pending complaints, alleging the family has made “false” and “defamatory statements” against them. John has refuted most of the claims and says he played a vital role in helping the Bakers’ boneless rib business, including using his network of contacts.

John said he was a non-managing partner of the company,  meaning he went “without access or control over the company’s books and records.” His role and duties within the partnership “are limited to acting as a brand ambassador.”

According to Entertainment Weekly, Zach Rosenfield, a spokesperson for the shark, says the restraining order is due to the Bakers’ blatant actions to undermine a business partnership started four years ago. The Bakers have made make public statements against the investor on social media, posting emails and a recorded conversation between Brittani and John.

“Their belief that they can unwind poor business decisions through slanderous social media posts and articles will no longer be tolerated,” Rosenfield said.
