Shaquille O’Neal Issues Blunt Response to LeBron James’ Swipes Against NBA

(Image: Twitter)

Pro basketball Hall of Famer and current TNT host,Shaquille O’Neal is taking superstar LeBron James to task after he alluded that the NBA’s recent scheduling is the reason for the rash of injuries to players this past season, as well as the current playoffs, according to CNBC.

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O’Neal, while not directing his comments specifically at James, stated that “40 million people have been laid off” and basically, all professional basketball players “gotta do is train two hours a day and then play a game for two hours at night and make a lot of money.”

Shots fired.

James’ recent comments and complaints at the NBA stem from how the league has scheduled its games. Seventy-two games, including playoffs, from December to January, James feels, has led many players to fall victim to injuries.

Shaquille O’Neal doesn’t feel that way. “When you’re living in a world where 40 million people have been laid off and I’m making $200 million, you won’t get no complaining from me,” the retired NBA great said. “I’d play back to back to back to back to back.”

“I’m not knocking what anybody said, but me personally, I don’t complain and make excuses, because real people are working their tail off and all we gotta do is train two hours a day and then play a game for two hours at night and make a lot of money…So my thought process is a little different.”

Earlier in June, James went to Twitter to complain about the rash of injuries to his fellow players.

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