[September 2015] 40 Best Companies For Diversity – Page 3 – Black Enterprise
BE Lists Entrepreneurship Magazine

[September 2015] 40 Best Companies For Diversity

BE performed a quantitative and editorial assessment of all corporate respondents and measured each company’s diversity efforts using the following criteria:

  1. BE measured companies against each other using data from four key categories: employee base, senior management, board of directors, and procurement. Based on a quantitative and editorial analysis, each company received a score. Senior management and board of directors’ categories were given a higher weighting based on company impact across the board. Procurement was also a major factor while employee base was given a lower weighting.
  2. We also reviewed the status of companies across all be diversity and corporate leadership lists, including The Top 35 Companies for Supplier Diversity, The 100 Most Powerful Executives, Top Diversity Executives, as well as companies who have chief diversity officers and/or designated diversity departments.
  3. We also considered those companies in which the CEO takes an active role in diversity practices.

Our survey measures companies against four key categories

Employee Base:
The percentage of African Americans and members of other ethnic minority groups represented in a given company’s workforce.

Senior Management:
The percentage of senior management positions held by
African Americans and members of other ethnic groups.

Board of Directors:
The percentage of African Americans
and other ethnic
minorities represented on corporate boards.

The percentage of total procurement dollars spent with companies owned by African Americans and members of other ethnic minority groups.

View the 2015 40 Best Companies for Diversity here.
