Seniors Struggle to Replace Pre-Retirement Income – Black Enterprise

Seniors Struggle to Replace Pre-Retirement Income

(Image: File)

You might have visions of relaxing on the beach or leisurely playing a game of golf when you retire, but for many that dream never becomes a reality.

A recent study by personal finance website reveals that senior citizens in 49 of 50 states are not able to replace enough of their pre-retirement income.

The only areas where seniors are able to meet their financial needs is in Washington, D.C. and Nevada. Seniors here are able to replace at least 70% of the income earned during the years when they were working.

The study also finds that senior citizens in Massachusetts demonstrate the widest income gap. This has been the case for two consecutive years. Across the nation, those age 65 and older have a median annual income that is just 60% of younger citizens’ (ages 45 to 64) median annual income, according to

For more information on saving for retirement, read How to Catch up with Your Retirement Savings.
