Sen. Raphael Warnock Doubles Opponent Herschel Walker’s Fundraising Haul In Senate Runoff

(Left photo: Megan Varner/Getty Images; Right photo: Paras Griffin/Getty Images)

Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock raised $52.2 million between October 20 and November 16 for his reelection, doubling the amount his opponent Herschel Walker has received.

NBC News reports Warnock is the top fundraising federal candidate of the 2022 midterm elections and spent almost $40 million ($39.2) over the same period, which is also double the amount Walker spent during the time frame.

Walker, meanwhile, raised $20.9 million between October 20 and November 16 and spent $16.5 million. The fundraising period, which included both before and after the midterm elections, shows how both campaigns are faring heading into the Senate runoff.

Early voting has begun in the race after the Georgia State Supreme Court denied an attempt by state Republicans to block it. The Georgia GOP claimed the elections restrictions bill Governor Brian Kemp signed banned early voting so close to a holiday but the state’s high court disagreed.

According to ABC News, last weekend saw record-breaking turnout in 34 counties that offered early voting after the Thanksgiving holiday. State election data shows more than 181,000 residents have voted early either in-person or through absentee voting through Sunday.

Black Georgia residents have been flying to the polls for the Senate runoff, making up 46.3% of early voters. That’s eight points higher than white Georgia voters, although White voters make up nearly double the share of the state’s population.

Interim Deputy Secretary of State Gabriel Sterling tweeted Monday that “This could be the biggest early voting day ever in Georgia election history.”

Later that same day Sterling tweeted “This is outpacing the turnout from the last day of early voting in the General Election.”

According to Sterling, early voting on Sunday was 130% higher than the previous Sunday record of 37,785 set on October 25, 2020.

Election officials are also encouraging Peach State residents to vote early in person because mail ballots must be received before the polls close next week. Both candidates have released new ads with Warnock bringing back Alvin the Beagle and Walker questioning Warnock’s character.

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