Seek Honest Evaluation on Your Job Performance – Black Enterprise

Seek Honest Evaluation on Your Job Performance

Be sure to get constructive feedback on your work ethic and skills from your boss or supervisor. (Image: Thinkstock)

No one likes the feeling of coming into the office one day and being blindsided by a bad review, or worse, a firing. You never saw it coming, going day to day thinking you’re doing a great job but never really getting concrete feedback as to areas you could be improving.

We all love kudos and being awarded, but it’s the constructive, professional criticism that can mean the difference between having a realistic view of your career progress or a delusion of being the best. It’s great to excel, but it’s also great to know how one can do better or take things to the next level. And in the long-run, acting on constructive criticism may even boost your job security

AOL Jobs details why criticism is vital for workers to remain competitive in the job market, and how you can go about getting it, even from that boss who’s afraid to dish it.

Read more at AOL Jobs…
