Say What? Former Black Fire Chief Claims Slavery Was A Part of ‘God’s Plan For America’ – Black Enterprise

Say What? Former Black Fire Chief Claims Slavery Was A Part of ‘God’s Plan For America’

Bill Koplitz, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Slavery is undeniably part of American history, but saying it was in God’s plan is a major stretch.

Former Atlanta fire chief Kelvin Cochran turned heads during a Black History Month celebration after starting his speech with patriotic context. In an unlisted video on YouTube, Cochran alluded that slavery was a part of God’s plan for America. He says that “everything that happens in American history is His story” while pointing to the sky.

“Slavery in America did not catch God by surprise,” Cochran said. “In his sovereignty, God allowed Africans to be brought to America as slaves. Africa was on the eve of social, spiritual and economic catastrophe and famine — still going on today. So, He brought 6 million Africans to America through the Middle Passage as slaves.”

His sermon-like speech didn’t get much applause from the members listening at the Department of Labor event. Cochran quoted scripture and claimed God “allowed Africans to be brought to America in bondage.”

Cochran is known for his conservative beliefs and has been in hot water for them in the past. NBC News reports he was suspended for 30 days in 2014 after an assistant fire chief raised concerns over a book the 63-year-old gave to his staff. “Who Told You That You Were Naked?” is a Bible study book by Cochran. The content allegedly included homophobic comments such as gay people and those who engage in pre-marital sex “naked” are wicked and ungodly sinners. He also called homosexuality a “sexual perversion,” comparing it to bestiality.

The incidentledd to Cochran being fired. After winning a settlement from the city of Atlanta for $1.2 million, Cochran claimed the book would help other “victims of cancel culture.”

He concluded his speech with lyrics from the song “This Land Is Your Land,” followed by awkward applause from the audience. “African American history is American history,” Cochran said. “Many of you in this room know what it’s like to come from a single-parent home, many siblings, on welfare. We’ve got some history makers of the African American community in this room.”

