“Saturday Night Live” Caught Heat After The Misuse And Appropriation of AAVE During A Skit

Photo Courtesy of SNL

There is no question that Black culture heavily influences an style="font-weight: 400;"> American/pop culture. There’s also no question that mainstream American culture steals from the culture mentioned above while attributing credit to something completely separate.  

On Saturday night, a skit performed on the long-running comedy sketch show Saturday Night Live (SNL) didn’t go over well with Black folks on social media. The routine was an ill-attempt at using African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) and ascribing it to Generation Z.


Reactions from Twitter ranged from disgust to an all-out lesson on why AAVE existed in the first place. 


AAVE is a creolized version of American English created by enslaved Africans brought to the Western Hemisphere. 

Creolization is a common process that results from lots of people who speak different languages needing a common means to communicate and mixing their languages together to make one,” The Messenger reported.

Although academia criticizes AAVE, it is a viable and flowing language that continues to expand even after its inception over 500 years ago. 

In 2018, The Atlantic

reported that “most speakers of African-American English do learn to code-switch naturally.”

Ultimately, the preservation of AAVE revolves around gatekeeping Blackness. And skits like those portrayed on SNL should be dragged.

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