Sabrina Peterson Talks being on Essence Festival Panel and Oprah’s Life Changing Speech – Black Enterprise

Sabrina Peterson Talks being on Essence Festival Panel and Oprah’s Life Changing Speech

Sabrina Peterson
(Image: Sabrina Peterson)

Sabrina Peterson, Glam University, Girl Power Tour, and Girl Power Sleepover Founder, graced the Essence main stage this past weekend, during the 2016 Essence Festival.  Peterson was a panelist for the “Learn Grow Run” segment by the MDNA on branding in a digital world.

Peterson, a digital branding expert, is very active on social media, garnering supporters from across the world.  Her Instagram account hosts an impressive 75,000 followers, and is growing daily. Peterson also has successfully sold coaching, books, merchandise, and business seminar classes using digital branding methods.

Black Enterprise sat down with Sabrina to discuss her experience on the Essence Mainstage.

BE: With Oprah being one of the ladies you look up to, how does sharing the same stage with her at Essence Festival create a full-circle moment for you?

Peterson: I found out the day before my arrival that Oprah would be speaking at Essence in the same conference center at 4 p.m., and I was so excited to know that may idol–the woman who paved the way of belief that the dream is attainable for women that look like myself in business–was to share the stage with me. Once I heard her speak, I realized that she possessed a connection with the universe, and her message was in direct connection with my core.

She spoke on several talking points, but the talking point that rang to my soul was a quote by Maya Angelou, “I’m here as one but I stand as 10,000.” It really resonated, especially after having the honor to speak at Essence when, just two years ago, I was sitting in my jail cell not knowing what God had for me upon my release from prison. But, to go from the stage with Star Jones, to Nasty Gal CEO Sophia Amoruso, to the same center as Oprah was an overwhelming experience–and one that can only show the power of prayer, which Oprah also candidly spoke on.

What key points did you deliver to Essence Festival attendees?

I spoke about branding, being true to your brand, and I spoke about financing yourself via selling your products and services and simply reinvesting them.

For anyone looking to become a speaker, how would you suggest that they get started?

I would suggest positioning yourself as an expert via gaining successful receipts–and that simply means to showcase people that you have helped, due to your systems and methods. Another way to gain an audience is to write books, create content, and blog about a specific subject–and do lots of research on that subject. Live your life testing and measuring your research, and that alone will eventually make you an expert in the subject matter.

To learn more about Sabrina Peterson, you can visit her website  To register for her Girl Power Tour in a city near you visit
