Research Shows Women Are Less Aware of Cyber Threats – Black Enterprise

Research Shows Women Are Less Aware of Cyber Threats

(Image: File)
(Image: File)

According to a recent survey conducted by Kasperky Lab, an international software security group, and market research company B2B International, women are less aware than men of cyberthreats.

Survey findings show only 19% of women believe they may fall victim to cyber-criminals, compared with 25% of men. Also, women know less about cyberthreats than men, with 27% of men and 38% of women being unaware of ransomware; 23% of men and 34% of women knowing little about mobile malware; 21% of men and 34% of women have a limited idea of the concept of an exploit.

Experts say that if consumers aren’t aware of cyberthreats they pay less attention to protecting themselves against them.

Survey results also found that when allowing other people, such as children, friends, or colleagues to use their main device, 36% of women do nothing to protect their data because they “see no risk,” compared with 28% of men. 13% of women have no security solutions on their devices, compared with 10% of men.

Also, over a 12-month period, more women than men faced malware incidents (73%, compared with 65%), and 22% of men were likely to suffer financial consequences (versus 9% of women).
