Republicans and White House Split On Next Stimulus Proposal

Senator Mitch McConnell sports a facemask during a press briefing. Image/Twitter:@TheHill

Senate Republicans and the White House continue are still at odds over central components of the GOP Coronavirus Stimulus package.

According to CNN, Republicans have locked horns as they work on a second coronavirus stimulus package. With the August recess fast approaching and the weekly federal $600 unemployment benefit set to expire at the end of the month, Republicans and the White House have made little progress.

The division between Republicans and the White House is on several key issues, including President Donald Trump’s insistence on a payroll tax cut and the administration’s push to tie education money to schools reopening in the fall. Several Republicans are also opposed to moving forward on a proposal pegged to start around $1 trillion.

“Everyone has their own idea,” Sen. Kevin Cramer, a North Dakota Republican told CNN.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is having trouble bringing Republicans together on a proposal that would serve as a starting point for negotiations with congressional Democrats, who already passed a $3 trillion measure in May.

McConnell told reporters Tuesday the proposal that he is pushing “enjoys fairly significant support among Republican senators.” But, “not everyone.”

Key components of the GOP bill includes $105 billion for schools, a second round of targeted funding for the forgivable small business loan program, ano

ther round of direct payments and liability protections for businesses, hospitals, healthcare workers, and schools.

The issues between Republicans stem from Trump’s proposed payroll tax cut. Several Republicans believe it will be too expensive and take too long to implement at a time when the country is in dire need of a quick boost to the economy. Americans currently either have no money or are holding on to the money they do have.

“Maybe three people raised it and they were all saying the same thing: maybe this isn’t necessary,” an unnamed source told CNN.
Republicans still plan to introduce their coronavirus stimulus proposal this week, and McConnell made clear a sense of urgency remains with millions out of work and the virus still plaguing parts of the country.
“The American jobs market needs another shot of adrenaline,” McConnell said.
However, some GOP senators are already lining up against whatever McConnell introduces.
“At lunch today I asked my Republican colleagues, ‘What in the hell are we doing?'” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) told CNN after the closed-door lunch. “We’ll see where this ends up, we still don’t know the details of this initial proposal, but, as it’s written right now, I’m not only a no, I’m a hell no.”
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