[REPORT] Majority of African Americans Experience Unfair Police Treatment

According to research conducted by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, three out of five African-Americans in the U.S. have either been mistreated by police officers personally or have a family member who has had an unfair experience with law enforcement. Survey respondents cited race as the reason for their treatment.

(Image: The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research)

Further, black participants

were more likely to say police
violence against the public in the United States is a very or extremely serious problem (73%), compared with whites (20%). 51% of Hispanics in the survey described police violence as a very or extremely serious problem.

More findings from the survey indicate the following:

  • 81% of black respondents said police use deadly force too quickly, compared with 61% of Hispanics and 33% of whites.
  •  Nearly 71% of black participants said police in their own community are more likely to use force against a black person compared with 47% of Hispanics and 24% of whites.


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