Rep. Jamaal Bowman Calls Republicans ‘Cowards’ In Viral Shouting Match Over Gun Control

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) is not backing down regarding gun reform.

In a viral video, the New York congressman got into a passionate shouting match with his Republican colleague, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), outside the House chambers. The Washington Post reports Bowman accused Republicans of being “gutless” for not doing anything regarding gun control laws after a mass shooting at a Nashville elementary school on Mar. 27. While sharing his views, Massie walked by and questioned what Bowman was talking about. “I’m talking about gun violence,” Bowman said.

In response, Massie said, “there’s never been a school shooting in a school that allows teachers to carry.”

According to ABC News, the former middle school principal says Congress is “broken” and failed to provide a solution for

what he calls a “sick society” that allows gun violence to occur regularly. “The whole country should be yelling and screaming and marching on these steps to make sure we pass legislation to do something about gun trafficking, assault rifles, and to bring some commonsense gun control,” the 46-year-old told reporters.

Monday’s shooting took the lives of three nine-year-old students: Hallie Scruggs,

Evelyn Dieckhaus, and William Kinney, and three adults: Katherine Koonce, Mike Hill, and Cynthia Peak. Adding to the list of hundreds of other mass shooting victims, U.S. lawmakers, like Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN), have suggested legislative fix for school shootings isn’t coming anytime soon.

“It’s a horrible, horrible situation,” Burchett said. “We’re not gonna fix it. Criminals are gonna be criminals.”

Several Democratic

leaders have made statements on Bowman’s stance and support him in his passionate arguments. “Our children are being slaughtered in the streets of America. We need to do something about this problem,” House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries said. “And so passions may be running high here in the Congress. Passions are definitively running high throughout the United States of America.”
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