Don’t Be a Relic: How to Maintain a Relevant Business

(Image: iStock.com/monkeybusinessimages)

With emerging businesses developing each day, it’s imperative that entrepreneurs maintain relevancy within the market space. Those who are reluctant to adapt often become relics within their field, but those who do rise to the top.

Below are four key tools to keep your business fresh and appealing during changing times.


#1 Listen to your customers


One of the biggest mistakes most entrepreneurs make is ignoring current and future customers’ demands. By sharing a periodic survey with your clients, you can collect data on your services, products, packaging, and more. The data can then be used to increase customer satisfaction and make the necessary improvements to better meet the client’s needs.

#2 Rebrand


Out of fear, many companies believe that rebranding may damage brand loyalty when, in fact, it builds excitement and allows

most businesses to re-engage with customers whom they’ve lost and also introduce the product to new clientele. Making slight changes to your website, staff uniforms, and packaging can potentially produce an increase in revenue.

#3 Stay Personable


Social media engagement is essential to maintaining an active digital footprint, however, nothing replaces real life interaction. Actively engaging in face-to-face communication with your clients is key to building true relationships and maintaining a relevant business.

#4 Build Partnerships


Building relationships in business is key to longevity. Try nurturing relationships with mutually beneficial organizations to foster partnerships that could help you achieve success. Consider co-sponsoring events or cross-promoting businesses to increase visibility and earnings.

Do you have other suggestions on maintaining business relevancy? We’d like to hear them. Add all suggestions in the comment below.

This article was written by The BOSS Influencer, Rachel Green



Rachel Green, CEO of A Brand Called U, Rachel has cultivated her passion for public relations and brand management into a multifaceted award-winning business that operates successfully in highly competitive arenas such as sports, lifestyle, tech and non-profit.

Learn more about Rachel by visiting her website at abcupr.com.

Follow Rachel on Twitter @msabcu.

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