Reigniting Your Passion With This Faith-Based Conference for Millennials

(Image: Cassondra Lenoir)

Earlier this year, Black Enterprise had the opportunity to attend the first ever Passion is Pursuit Conference—an entertainment and media conference for entrepreneurial millennials of faith.

From start to finish, the room buzzed with excitement: passionate entrepreneurs eager to connect, sponging up the invaluable information provided by the panelists and keynote speakers. This one-day event encouraged attendees to “Move Different” in business, branding, and finances, equipping them to do so with power and passion that left them eager for more.

We recently had a chance to catch up with the creator of the Passion is Pursuit Conference, Cassondra Lenoir—author, entrepreneur, and media expert.


You created the Passion is Pursuit Conference and will be releasing a Passion is Pursuit devotional. How do you define “passion/passion is pursuit?”


Cassondra Lenoir: In college, I created the following definition. “Passion is the driving force in one’s life. It’s the thing that keeps you dedicated, motivated, and focused in striving to achieve greatness,” and I now live by this. 


Passion is Pursuit became my life’s mantra once I understood that without action, there’s no proof of passion. You can’t turn your cant’s into cans or your dreams into plans without putting forth effort. I live with the revelation that the PROOF of passion is pursuit.


What do you feel attendees of the Passion is Pursuit conference came away with?


I believe attendees ended the day knowing who they are and what they were created to do. Our goal was to prepare and properly equip each attendee for their entrepreneurial journey through personal faith and professional expertise. As I like to say, “The Passion is Pursuit Conference is founded on faith, but at our core, we are a business conference.”


The purpose of the Passion is Pursuit Conference was to inspire, inform, and ignite the inner Passioneer of all in attendance. Passioneers pretty much figure out which route to take through life’s journey by following the burning desire from within, and they understand that impossible is nothing. Once Passioneers arrive to this new space, they then prepare the way for others to follow.


What would you say to anyone who has slowed in their pursuit of passion?


I want to encourage you not to grow weary in well-doing. This means that no matter how tired you become or how hard things are, YOU CAN’T GIVE UP! Don’t stop. Remember who you are. You are enough, and you’ve been equipped with everything you need to succeed. You must have the courage to persevere. You were created for greatness, and your diligence will impact the lives of many. Your pursuit will help others to achieve greatness. You’re needed. Keep going and growing, Passioneer.


You’re currently planning a Vision Board Workshop. How does creating a vision board help one with pursuing their passion?

Seeing your mental vision manifested on paper produces a greater level of possibility. Sometimes things seem impossible until they are no longer just an idea. Vision boards are the first step to turning your visions into reality.


At my Vision Board Workshops, it’s more than just arts and crafts. These sessions are filled with passion,

planning, and purpose as I help participants to discover and pursue every great thing that’s inside of them. Attendees are welcomed with a stress-reliev[ing] prelude. ALL vision board materials (including magazines) are provided, and I am always sure to create a safe haven suitable for dream sharing, transparency, and networking. All they have to bring is their vision!

I utilize the W.I.N. model, one of my own design, and it’s created to not only help attendees discover their visions but also to provide guests with the next steps to manifest those visions!

What inspired you to create the devotional?


After the December 2015 release of my first book, From Nothing to New York, I received an overwhelming influx of the question, “When are you releasing your next book?” The year had not yet ended and the book was freshly released, but people were ready for the next one.


My initial plan was just to compile some of my social media posts, monthly newsletter content, and personal journals into one book as a means to pour quality inspiration into people while I continued to write, From Nothing to New York 2

. However, I quickly realized this devotional required more from me. It is powerful. It’s life-changing.

What is the most powerful way the Passion is Pursuit devotional will benefit readers?


The Passion is Pursuit Devotional provides 40 Passion Pillars to help readers discover and pursue who they are and what they were created to do. A passion pillar is a term I coined while writing, “From Nothing to New York.” In a nutshell, a passion pillar is something that keeps you going while providing reliable support. The devotional does just that. Readers will benefit in various ways because it is filled with life and business concepts for personal, spiritual, mental, relational, financial, and professional growth. It all just depends where you are along life’s journey of self-discovery and professional independence.


To stay informed about upcoming networking mixers, where you can pick up the Passion is Pursuit devotional, and what Lenoir has coming up next, visit https://cassondralenoir.com/.

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