Rapper Gene “Malice” Thornton Finds God & New Career as Author – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Rapper Gene “Malice” Thornton Finds God & New Career as Author

Rapper-turned-author Gene "Malice" Thornton

With the spiritual undertone of the book and your newfound faith; have fans of your music been open to your new perspective on life?

Man, it’s been phenomenal how the fans have had my back. It’s been great because I haven’t lost any of them and they’re still right there with me and I think that I translated it in a way that is definitely relatable and understandable. A lot of people tell me that they didn’t get different parts of the Bible until I explained it or they never had an interest in the scriptures ‘til I applied it to things that happen in present day life.

There are reports that you’re planning to change your stage name from Malice because it conflicts with your new outlook. Have you thought about how that will affect your brand?

Well, my branding will be authentic and it will be whatever I am. If I was a dude who changed his name 50 times then that would be truly who I was, you know what I’m saying? And that would probably just be the journey of me trying to find myself, but it’s going to be organic so I’m not in any rush. I’m not like, “Don’t call me Malice” or anything like that. I know what the fans know me for and even when I sign my autographs I sign Malice, so it’s going to be organic. I’m not putting any rush on it, but if I’ve done anything I’ve brought the awareness to the people that there’s power in your words whether I change my name or not.

A big part of your marketing for the book included social media with Twitter, the launch your own site MaliceOfTheClipse.com (now MadeMyLifeChange.com) and your video blog vignettes. How did you come up with the concepts for the clips?

Thornton uses grassroots techniques for success in publishing

Well, this is one of the things that a lot of people don’t know, but all of my video blogs are all true stories. All of those things actually happened as I documented them, so if you found the video blogs to be intriguing, compelling or interesting in any way they’re even more because they’re true… Everybody knows it really happened and I think that’s what makes it so unique, because they’re true. It wasn’t me trying to come up with something to entertain someone. If I had to come up with something entertaining the website would’ve never took shape because I wouldn’t have felt like it, but these are things that actually happened, so I recreated them as they happened and put them out and shed light on what happened.

Rather than go with a major publishing house you put the book out through Thorn10 Publishing. Is that your own company?

Yeah, I started my own publishing company and I did it myself and I started the LLC for it. A good homegirl of mine is an author that goes by the name of KiKi Swinson and she did the Wifey series. She took me under her wing and put me down with all her people and gave me all of her insight and it was just great watching this thing all come to light. I remember when it was just a thought.

Do you have a full staff over at Thorn10?

Thorn10 is just what it is–me! [laughs] People be tripping because they think the book is coming from somewhere else. No, I sent your book to you [laughs]. It’s like we’re an assembly line in this house. I’ll autograph it, my wife will stuff it in the envelope and my son will take it to the post office.

Is it true that you’re planning to turn Wretched, Pitiful, Poor, Blind & Naked into a film?

The film is absolutely going to happen. I’m talking with two different investors right now are very interested and want to move forward. I’m just trying to make sure which one’s going to be the best and when I say the best I’m talking about like financially and creatively. We’re going to try to just stay true to my vision and who is going to support me and back me in that type of way. Like I said before this whole thing isn’t about money. I believe that it’s suppose to do exactly what it’s suppose to do, but definitely and I promise the fans you will definitely get the Wretched, Pitiful, Poor, Blind & Naked film. If I have to do it myself you’re going to get that, so I’m not even worried about that
