Jovian Zayne Talks Living on Purpose, Plus Partying with FLOTUS – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Jovian Zayne Talks Living on Purpose, Plus Partying with FLOTUS

(Image: Facebook)

In your experience, what do you find to be one of people’s most common mistakes as they try to figure out or pursue their calling?

So often we don’t want to do the work of understanding our unique purpose. We’d much rather assume the call of someone else. It’s a lot easier to ascribe to a popular archetype of success than to listen deeply to our spirit.  Instead of doing the work of understanding how our passions connect to our impact and therefore inform our purpose, we haphazardly follow in the footsteps of others, pretending to live on purpose when we’re actually living by accident. We look to someone else’s purpose hoping it satiates our needs.

Many people are following a vision painted by an artist they’re not familiar with and are left with an abstract painting of a life that they can’t make meaning of because it was never connected to their purpose to begin with. We will do whatever’s necessary to keep up with our friends, or make major life decisions based on what society says we should be doing by “X” age. We don’t check our decision making against our purpose, but against what others are doing and therefore dangerously miss out what we’ve been sent here to do.

Everything is a journey, especially professional and purpose filled pursuits. In the moments when it’s hard and bumpy, how do you recommend that people stay inspired to keep going?

My ability to live on purpose is fueled by the edifying books I read, the messages I consume externally, my faith and the relationships I foster.  My friends and family are an unending well of support. They not only cheer me on, but also share the necessary feedback I need to improve. They hold me accountable to my purpose. I couldn’t do it without them. I encourage everyone to periodically assess who is in your circle.  Who is your cheerleader or critical friend? Do you have both, or are you surrounded with toxic relationships that serve only to destroy your progress and self-esteem?

In the spirit of Women’s History Month, which woman would you choose to do the following with? A day of shopping, a night out partying, and Sunday morning service.

Day of Shopping: Claire Underwood has slayed every scene of season three of House of Cards.  I’d love to have Kemal Harris (Robin Wright’s stylist) guide me through the ultimate shopping spree. My current stylist Morgan Wider of Styled by Stats is currently helping me get my closet up to par with Robin.

Night of Partying: I’ve had the insane pleasure of celebrating with the First Lady, and honey… one does it better. I need one more night, FLOTUS, one more.

Sunday Morning: Worshiping with the women in my family is a deep source of joy. I’d love to go back 20 years and have my great grandmother, grandmothers and mother sitting with me in my grandfather’s church on a beautiful Easter morning.

