Pumping Up Web Traffic – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Pumping Up Web Traffic

In many cases, particularly with successful bloggers in your industry, they are very mindful of who is linking to their site. And if they like what they see on your site, they might link back to you, providing both credibility and possibly some targeted traffic.

  • Create Links Around People
    People are constantly on the hunt for information that will help them make up their minds to help them buy things. That’s why sites like ePinions.com and Shopping.com are so popular. This also accounts for the popularity of Hotels.com for those looking for good places to stay when they head out of town. And many of the best reviews written on sites like these include links for even more information on a Website or blog.
  • Links included in comments and reviews may not be considered high quality, but they can really provide a traffic boost for highly respected review writers because most of these sites allow readers to rank a review. Consider writing full articles on such sites as Ezinearticles.com and HubpPages.com, which can get you in front of large audiences who may just click on a link to your site. Also posting links on social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter could drive traffic.

    These are just a few ways to begin building up some links to enhance you place in cyberspace. Take the time to figure out a strategy you can use to drive enough of the right people to your site and your business.

    Brent Leary is a small business technology analyst, adviser, and  blogger at www.brentleary.com.
