Publish Your Poetry

Q: I am the author of inspirational poetry. My goal is to have this poetry published in cards, songs, books, personal appearances/readings, television, radio, and other media. I appreciate any advice you can give me in reference to achieving this goal.
— L. O’Neal, Aberdeen, MD

A: There are several resources out there for budding poets, including Poet & Writers Inc., (www.pw.org; 212-226-3586), which publishes a national monthly magazine of the same name.

You might also want to consider joining the poetry circuit and

groups dedicated to increasing awareness and activity in the art of poetry and spoken word. Competing in poetry slam competitions is a way to get your work out to the masses. Check out Poetry Slam Inc. (www.poetryslam.com; 810-231-5435,). Other valuable sources are:

Cave Canem (www.cavecanem poets.org

, 212-941-5720). This community of emerging and established poets is committed to the discovery and development of new voices in African American poetry. The nonprofit organization sponsors a summer writers’ retreat, workshops, annual anthologies, readings, and events in major U.S. cities.

Epoets (www.epoets.com). Epoets offers writing classes, performance news, and a network of poets. Established and aspiring poets may also publish through the epoet’s Website.

Got Poetry? (www.gotpoetry.com). This community group provides news and events of interest to poets.

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