Proud Boys Proclaim ‘Trump Will Go Down As a Total Failure’

(Image: Twitter)

The Boys are not Proud anymore! After the storming of the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump supporters on January 6, there has been a turnaround and disappointment from some of the people who backed the movement former President Donald Trump heralded.

According to The New York Times, the rambunctious far-right group The Proud Boys stated earlier this week that “Trump will go down as a total failure” in a Telegram message. Based on messages. The Times has uncovered on social media sites such as Gab and Telegram, the group has been urging its supporters to stop attending rallies and protests being held for Trump or the Republican Party.

The Proud Boys now have a beef with the former president, based in part, on the theory that his disavowal of the Capitol rampage was an act of betrayal against them. It further disgusted the group that he had done nothing to help those in the group who face legal action for the riot they took part in on January 6.

Sadly for Trump, the trust and respect given to him have dissipated.

“When Trump told them that if he left office, America would fall into an abyss, they believed him,” said Arieh Kovler, who is a political consultant and

independent researcher in Israel. He has done studies on the far right and on the Proud Boys as well. “Now that he has left office, they believe he has both surrendered and failed to do his patriotic duty.”

Several weeks ago, Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was arrested in Washington, D.C., for burning a Black Lives Matter banner at a Black Church.

An official from the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, public information officer Sean Hickman, stated that Tarrio, who hails from Miami, was charged with destruction of property related to a banner being burned on December 12, outside a Black church in northwest D.C.

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