Prosper With Innovative Business Ideas

It’s here. The panacea for idea-stumped entrepreneurs is gift-wrapped inside one booming Website (www.springwise.com). From inventive business concepts to the latest consumer trends, a staff of 8,000 “springspotters” dotted throughout 70 countries serve as the brains for this go-to Website. Choose fresh business concepts by clicking the site’s idea database. Financial services, eco and sustainability, retail, and nonprofit are among the smorgasbord of database headings. “Sticky car art” and “test-sleeping for home buyers” are just a few of the ingenious ideas featured. There’s also a remote wardrobe service tip and a cookie business concept for financially disadvantaged women in South Africa. Novice and veteran entrepreneurs can localize or internationalize most of the information available.

Personalized job referrals are now available online
Need to get your foot in the door at that dream company but lack connections? Your hookup awaits you at www.whototalkto.com. And it’s free. The site’s motto is “Your last job could be the key to finding your next job.” Participants offer personal contacts within their current or former organization. The site helps return the favor by rendering a job referral, not a professional reference, that can be used by the

job seeker or passed on to someone else. Registered users post and exchange thousands of employment referrals monthly, from major corporations to small companies. The job leads are personal and offer direct links to hiring managers. Precious insights on the potential employer or company are also shared.
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