Pregnant & Unemployed? 5 Tips for Successful Job Seeking – Black Enterprise

Pregnant & Unemployed? 5 Tips for Successful Job Seeking

(Image: Shutterstock)

Anticipating a new bundle of joy has its own excitement —and stress—but add to that trying to find a new gig and you’ve got a double dose of challenges. But, that doesn’t mean all is hopeless. As a matter of fact, pregnancy shouldn’t hinder you from your boss moves. Take a cue from Brazen Careerist on how to best approach job-seeking while with child:

DO consider all obligations.

DO get started as early as possible.

DO ensure coverage.

DON’T feel pressured to disclose.

DON’T put off talking with a new employer.

When the pregnancy is obvious: If you’re seeking a job you’d like to begin after your baby is born, make that clear during the interview and have a plan for childcare that demonstrates you’re prepared to be reliable.
