Power Shift

The excitement Democrats felt after winning back the majority in both the House and the Senate during the mid — term elections is still palpable. Voters have spoken, making clear their dissatisfaction with the GOP’s corruption, their handling of the economy, and the escalating violence in Iraq. After a 12 — year elephant stampede, the donkeys are back in power.

Now they must produce. Democrats got an early with their “Six for ’06” plan, which includes a minimum wage increase, lower interest rates on student loans, and government negotiation of prescription drug prices for Medicare patients. It’s a safe agenda with broad appeal that will bring some economic relief to the middle class and help set the stage for the 2008 presidential election. “You want to put wins on the board, even if they’re small wins. It will show people they’re trying to do some things,” says Michael Fauntroy, an assistant professor of public policy at George Mason University and author of the new book Republicans and the Black Vote (Lynne Reinner Pub, $49.95). “But I would caution anyone from getting overly optimistic that things will radically change immediately. They won’t. The lawmaking process is slow, and slowed even more with a Republican president and close margins in both chambers.”

The good news for African Americans is that several black lawmakers now head powerful House committees and subcommittees, most notably Charles Rangel of New York (Ways and Means) and John Conyers of Michigan (Judiciary). Jim Clyburn of South Carolina is majority whip, the third most powerful House leadership position. They will set the legislative agenda on critical issues for the nation, as well as the minority communities they represent, and address concerns ranging from law enforcement and community development to Social Security and tax reform.

The 43 — member Congressional Black Caucus has gained a modicum of power, but its influence comes with a caveat. Along with the Democratic leadership, the CBC must engage in a fine balancing act if its party is to hold the majority and retain its base for 2008. “With those individuals in power positions, we ought to begin to close the inequity that exists in America,” says Peter Groff, founder and director of the University of Denver’s Center for African American Policy. But, he adds, they’ll have to “balance the needs of the majority as a whole as opposed to moving forward with a very aggressive agenda.

The Democrats’ energy may be better spent crafting an agenda that

targets specific unmet needs in minority communities. According to University of Maryland political scientist Ronald Walters, the Six for ’06 plan doesn’t go far enough. “The CBC shouldn’t let the Democratic leadership think that because they rolled out that agenda, it’s sufficient. There ought to be a mobilization behind two or three critical items tailored to benefit African Americans,” he says.

Michigan Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, the recently elected CBC chair, agrees. “We will put forth an agenda that addresses the needs of African Americans and the American people.” The CBC’s initiatives include providing ongoing assistance to Hurricane Katrina victims, helping black farmers produce crops that can be used as alternative energy sources, funding programs to combat HIV/AIDS and violence in Darfur, and using technology to increase the CBC’s constituent outreach efforts.

Black entrepreneurs should also shape their political agenda. In the past six years, many of their concerns have been neglected: A growing number of government contracts have gone to big business, the cost of loans and conducting business has risen, and the Small Business Administration’s budget has shrunk. Bill Mays, CEO of Mays Chemical Co. (No. 27 on the BE INDUSTRIAL/SERVICE 100 list with $152 million in sales), says, “I hope there will be

less pressure and less agitation against diversity initiatives in general and against government — sponsored initiatives — in particular the SBA and the 8(a) programs — to ensure that minority — owned companies get a fair share of supply contracts.”

Sen. John Kerry and Rep. Nydia Velázquez, who chair their chambers’ respective small — business committees, have pledged to reverse those trends. But some critics say minority business owners must speak with one voice in order to have their specific needs addressed. “We don’t have the kind of consistent presence on Capitol Hill that you need,” says Anthony Robinson, head of the Minority Business Enterprise Legal Defense and Education Fund. “Right now we’re in a constant reactive mode. You need that ongoing presence in order to carry forward an agenda that speaks to the needs of minority business.”

Change does not come easily, but Democrats vow that, this session, “there will be civility and transparency. What the Republicans did in hijacking the process is atrocious,” says Clyburn. “We’re going to open up this government and let the sun shine in. There will be oversight; there will be no no — bid contracts or sneaking things into legislation.”

Some Republicans don’t view the Democratic takeover in negative terms.

“It’s part of a healthy process. When you’re given the keys to governing and you lose the keys, people take you out of the governing position,” observes Michael Steele, the outgoing lieutenant governor of Maryland who lost his U.S. Senate bid. “Particularly over the last few years, the GOP has lost the keys to governing when it comes to how they spend and how we’ve handled the war in Iraq. I think we’ve paid a price for that. Leadership requires diligence. You reap what you sow.”


  • Hank Johnson, Ga.
  • Keith Ellison, Minn. (Congress’ first Muslim member)
  • Yvette Clark, N.Y.

House Leadership and Chairs of Key Congressional Committees and Subcommittees

  • Rep. James Clyburn (S.C.), Majority Whip
  • Rep. Charles Rangel (N.Y.), Ways and Means
  • Rep. John Conyers (Mich.), Judiciary
  • Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (Tex.), Judiciary subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims
  • Rep. Kendrick Meek (Fla.), Homeland Security subcommittee on Management, Integration, and Oversight
  • Rep. Maxine Waters (Calif.), Financial Services subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity

Big “Firsts”

  • Deval Patrick, Massachusetts Governor
  • David Paterson, New York Lt. Governor

Other State Wins

  • Anthony Brown, Maryland Lt. Governor
  • James B. Lewis, New Mexico State Treasurer
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