Power Moves: 7 Ways You Can Profit From Our Entrepreneurs Conference – Page 4 – Black Enterprise

Power Moves: 7 Ways You Can Profit From Our Entrepreneurs Conference

  • Go digital or die.

Our conference devoted a number of sessions and boot camp drills to web technology and social media. We placed such a strong emphasis on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn because they represent the best tools to reach new markets and target customers. In fact, during Multimedia Editorial Director Sonia Alleyne‘s one-on-one with rapper/entrepreneur MC Hammer, he said he viewed Silicon Valley as “the seat of power” in the “relationship-based economy” and maintains the current environment presents the best opportunity for tech start-ups. Hammer said he was developing an business incubator with Internet entrepreneur Wayne Sutton, another conference speaker, for African American entrepreneurs. Bottom line: Companies that ignore the digital space do so at their own risk.
