Power Moves: 7 Ways You Can Profit From Our Entrepreneurs Conference – Page 3 – Black Enterprise

Power Moves: 7 Ways You Can Profit From Our Entrepreneurs Conference

  • Follow the new rules of business financing.

You can still find capital to expand your company–but it will cost. That message was delivered loud and clear during the jam-packed session on business financing moderated by Editorial Director Alan Hughes. Terry L. Jones of SyncomVenture Partners (No. 7 on the BE PRIVATE EQUITY FIRMS list with $410 million in capital under management), said investors are willing to invest in viable companies with potential to produce huge returns–that is, if business owners are willing to give up more control. And even in this post-recession economy, bank loans are available to entrepreneurs willing to “put some skin in the game,” according to Leonard Walker Jr., Atlanta business banking division manager at Wells Fargo. Such funding, Walker said, may require as much as a 30% down payment though.
