Power Launch Your Tech Startup with the Coffee Strategy

(Image: iStock/Squaredpixels)

A veteran tech professional and business architect shares what he deems, “The Coffee Strategy” secret to success.

Atlanta-based Rasool Muttalib’s new book, What’s Your Coffee Strategy?, offers advice and tips for business success that can easily apply to tech entrepreneurs.

Muttalib says the book “was born out of a personal observation in the tech space that it is always overflowing with brilliant, highly analytical minds that in many cases seem to falter on knowing how to get an idea across (i.e., communicate).”

“I feel like now I have accumulated enough industry experience to branch out on my own. I am launching a software company and digital consultancy later this year and I love to write,” he says.

The author founded the online social media and digital marketing blog GrowthHackerMag.com. Muttalib is also launching Bad(Geek)Media, a digital marketing and software development company next year.

A passage from his book defines the Coffee Strategy as: “…repeatable methodology that uses the coffeehouse as a central headquarters for accomplishing any goal in your life– career, business, or personal”

For tech entrepreneurs looking to launch successful startups, The Coffee Strategy has useful guidelines for developing your “A” game. Five important takeaways include:

  • Some of the most important decisions are made based purely on the relationships of the people involved.
  • People will accept a coffee invite more willingly than any of the more traditional invitation types.
  • Your goal must be very, very specific. In fact, your goal must be so specific you can visualize in your mind exactly what it looks like, feels like, even, in certain cases, smells like.
  • Put things in relative order of impact, priority, and importance to your overall game plan.
  • The key to honing in and having immense value to others is to specialize in a few core areas.

The book is currently available on Amazon.com and you can also visit the website: www.thecoffeestrategy.com.


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