ColorComm’s Lauren Wesley Wilson: Your Approval of Yourself Outweighs Anyone’s Opinion – Black Enterprise
Portraits of Power Women

ColorComm’s Lauren Wesley Wilson: Your Approval of Yourself Outweighs Anyone’s Opinion

Portraits of Power Lauren Wesley Wilson
Portraits of Power Lauren Wesley Wilson

Featuring a broad cross-section of women who have distinguished themselves across a rich variety of careers, our Portraits of Power series is a celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Black Enterprise, and of black women. It’s a place for today’s businesswomen to share their own favorite images and their own stories, in their own words. Today’s portrait is the founder of ColorComm, Lauren Wesley Wilson.

Lauren Wesley Wilson

Founder and CEO, ColorComm Inc.

My first job was at 16 years old as a hostess at Chevy’s Mexican Grill in St. Louis, Missouri.

My big break came when … it hasn’t happened yet.

I’ve had to work hardest at getting out of my own way.

I never imagined I would lead a Women’s Empowerment Corporation.

I wish I’d learned sooner that your approval of yourself outweighs anyone’s opinion of you.

The risk I regret not taking is going after things sooner.

If I could design my fantasy self-care day, it would be spent at a luxury spa experience in Thailand.

Nothing keeps me up at night.

When I’m struggling, I say to myself: You can and you will.

I am unapologetically fearless.

Portraits of Power is a yearlong series of candid insights from exceptional women leaders. It is brought to you by ADP.
