Popular TikTok Food Reviewer Puts Las Vegas Pizzeria on the Map with Viral Review – Black Enterprise

Popular TikTok Food Reviewer Puts Las Vegas Pizzeria on the Map with Viral Review

Keith Lee reviewing food from Las Vegas pizzeria
(Image: TikTok/@ keith_lee125/Screenshots)

There is so much power in going viral. A Las Vegas pizzeria went from having next to no customers to selling out, thanks to a viral review.

Keith Lee, a popular Tiktok food reviewer with 8 million followers, spent $86.73 after an employee at Frankenson’s sent an email asking him to come and taste the food. “It’s really slow, we really can’t afford the rent and we would really love for you to come and try the food,” Lee said in his initial video. “The owner reached out to another critic and they tried to charge us $2,600 for a food review,” the employee added.


Lee didn’t charge the small business anything. After meeting the owner, Frank Steele, the influencer said he was going to be completely honest with his review. Rating some of Frankenson’s dishes like spicy garlic knots and the peach chutney wings, the honesty paid off. Steele told KTNV Las Vegas that a few hours later, business started booming. Capturing customers from all over the world with Lee’s review, Steele acknowledged that he’s “sold more wings in two days than I have in the past four months.”

With the video gaining over 22 million views, Lee started his review off on a high note, rating the now-famous garlic knots a 9.2 out of 10. Things went up from there. Lee even saluted Steele for his amazing customer service, showing off the generous amount of ranch dressing, and talked about how his conversation with the business owner really touched him.

“This is my opinion. There should be no reason why you are behind on your rent or struggling to pay rent,” Lee said. “That food is delicious and the service is amazing.” The pizzeria owner said “he feels blessed” and aside from thanking Lee, he wanted to apologize to those he hasn’t been able to service just yet.

“The response has been so overwhelming. All I can say is thank you. This has been life-changing.”
