Popcorn Time, the Torrent Streamer for Pirates – Black Enterprise

Popcorn Time, the Torrent Streamer for Pirates

Popcorn Time doesn't host pirated films, but it makes searching for them a more pleasurable experience (until you get caught).
Popcorn Time doesn't host pirated films, but it makes searching for them a more pleasurable experience (until you get caught).

If you’re streaming movies, chances are you’re doing it using Amazon, Netflix, or iTunes. The upside is that the films are relatively cheap or free with a streaming plan, and that you’re watching films legally.

The bad news? Newer films are more expensive or unavailable, putting you at the mercy of the content provider.

But with Popcorn Time, an open source project with over two dozen contributors on Github, you can stream almost any movie made without paying a dime.

Unfortunately, depending on where you live, it may violate copyright laws. Internet service providers like Comcast and Time Warner Cable have been known to send out letters to violators of copyright law as a warning that any more theft may instigate legal action.

According to TorrentFreak, the creators aren’t really worried about getting in trouble, as they don’t store any of the pirated content. “We don’t expect legal issues. We don’t host anything, and none of the developers makes any money,” said Sebastian. “There are no ads, no premium accounts, and no subscription fees or anything like that. It’s an experiment to learn and share.”

Popcorn Time pulls its torrents from YTS using a provided API and delivers the highest quality torrent file it can find.

Sebastian and the Popcorn Time team aren’t using this app to subvert the movie industry; Sebastian thinks that going to the theater is the best way to watch a movie.

But that isn’t an option for some people, and that’s where Popcorn Time comes in. “We hate that we don’t have the chance to watch some movies at home,” said Sebastian. “Popcorn Time is an experiment to show that you can do something better for the users, and that you can do it with BitTorrent.”

The Popular page shows a list of movies, many of them Oscar nominees, that you can watch for free.
