Hey Podcast Junkies–Get Ready for the Reset – Black Enterprise

Hey Podcast Junkies–Get Ready for the Reset

(Image: iStock.com/valentinrussanov)

Women 2.0 Interviews Laura Mignott, co-founder of Digital Flash and the host of a new podcast on marketing and tech called The Reset, sponsored by Bose.

W2: What inspired you to start this podcast?

I couldn’t find a podcast that really spoke to the people doing the real work in the marketing business. There’s a lot of hype, sunshine, and bluster. But who’s putting in the 60-80 hours to make this industry go forward? Nothing is easy and I wanted to create a space for people to discuss the successes and challenges of their respective industries. I also wanted to hear a real conversation, between the host and guest. You can hear a difference when people are sitting next to each other, having a chat about a topic. After co-hosting a successful networking panel series for five years, I know that interplay generates the best conversations.

W2: What topics are you most excited to explore?

Everything in tech, AI, VR, but also finance and other industries that are “less sexy,” but are super fascinating. I’m curious about everything, always have been. I’m lucky to have friends and industry colleagues who have interesting backgrounds and I can’t wait to get them on the show.

W2: What’s one thing that surprised you during the process of creating the podcast?

How much I enjoyed the production–putting all the pieces together from the music to the sponsorship to working with my producer Sandy Smallens. I would have thought that hearing my own voice over and over again would be boring. I’ve been lucky so far, the episodes haven’t needed much editing because my guests on the show are smart as heck.

Women 2.0 is building a future where gender is no longer a factor. Founded in April 2006, it’s now the leading media brand for women in tech. The for-profit, for-good company takes an action-oriented approach that directly addresses the pipeline from all sides: hiring, founding, investing and leading.
