Playd Co-Founder Anthony Frasier Talks About Minorities in Gaming – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Playd Co-Founder Anthony Frasier Talks About Minorities in Gaming

(Image: File)

Now that Playd is available for download by iPhone and Android users, how’s it performing?

So far we have over 10,000 active users and those users have pretty much checked into 50,000 game sessions on our app.  We just want to triple that within the next few months or even the next month, if possible.  That’s what we’re working on. NewMe was a big help.

How important is it to get out there, attending community-styled meetups like tonight’s event, especially for one’s personal brand?

Super important! My advice for people running startups: Be at the meetups that are in your industry and that are related to you. I’m an African-American male who has a startup, so [being at a] Blacks In Tech [event] makes sense. But what also makes sense is being at E3, PAX, GDC, Comi Con, [and] all the gaming events.

Mentorship is very important. It’s something many entrepreneurs and seasoned business leaders credit with their success. Who are some of your mentors?

The biggest mentor we [NewMe Accelerator participants] had altogether was Mitch Kapor. You got a taste of him in the documentary, as well. But here’s a guy who’s had his footprints all over the Valley. He’s everywhere; his fingerprints are all over so to have somebody like that kind of coach you on how you should be pitching, how you should be making sense and even reaching out to him to say: “Hey, you think this investor would be interested in this?” He’ll do introductions and all of that stuff. He’ll let you know what you’re doing wrong, why you’re not interesting.  I think he’s one of the most effective.

I made good friends with Curtiss Pope of He’s been a great mentor to me, personally, because here’s a guy who’s been in the Valley all his life.  He pretty much left a six-figure job to do this stuff.  He’s teaching me the way and telling me how to be.  He’s somebody I call every once in awhile to get some tips from and he’s been a great resource.

What can we expect to see from you in the future?

I’m working on some other projects right now. Outside of Playd, there’s BrickCity Tech, which is my tech meetup. I’m also working on a music startup, as well, on the side. It’s very early, but look out for it when it comes.

