Pitch Your Business To Investors At The Entrepreneurs Summit

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Every year millions of dollars are changing hands and allowing entrepreneurs to jumpstart their businesses. Studies show that angel investors and venture capital funds invest around $25 billion annually in the US. Yet, less than 1% of all private equity capital is invested in black-owned companies.

How can minority entrepreneurs improve their chances of tapping millions of equity investment? An exclusive panel of experienced investors will share their insights and winning formulas on the opening day of the Entrepreneurs Summit (May 13-16, 2015) at the Hyatt Regency in Atlanta. Their goal is to help minority entrepreneurs maximize their capacity to secure capital to jumpstart, grow, or scale their small businesses. Among those investors on hand is Paul Judge, an inventor, serial entrepreneur and noted scholar. Judge holds 20 patents and a Ph.D. from Georgia Tech. He has invested in and also founded several companies that grew and resulted in successful acquisitions.

[Related: How One Entrepreneur Raised $3 Million in Venture Capital Funding by Selling Hair Extensions]

A chosen few attendees will get on-the-spot feedback and the chance to pitch their business directly to Judge and other investors on the panel.

Depending upon the type of business you are starting or operating, and on the amount of money needed to start and keep going, equity financing may be the best way for you to obtain all or some of the money needed. Equity financing is an investment by somebody else in your business. This may include your friends and family members, other individuals who have the means to invest. Or you may catch the eye of venture capital groups which make it their business to invest in other businesses for the substantial gain they may get in return.

There is distinct different between angels and venture capitalists. Angel investors are private individuals or an organized group of individuals who are accredited and agree to invest in a business

in exchange for convertible debt or a share of ownership in the company. They often have a personal interest in the business, either because of the type of business, their own values, or who it is that is seeking the investment. Venture capital firms are a group of individuals who invest in businesses and do so in order to see financial gain.

The 2015 Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Summit hosted by Nationwide, May 13-16, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta. Expect innovative sessions, high-powered speakers, and an early peek at the products, trends, and services you’ll need to stay ahead of the curve. Be sure to enter our Elevator Pitch Competition to qualify for the $10,000 grand prize. To register and find out more, visit archive2023.blackenterprise.com/es/. Join us at the Entrepreneurs Summit, Where Innovation and Capital Meet.

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