PHOTOS: Harlem School of the Arts Honors Laurence Fishburne, Gina Torres and Leaders in Philanthropy

Hollywood power couple Laurence Fishburne and Gina Torres accept the Visionary Artist award.

On Oct. 8, Harlem School of the Arts held its fall benefit at Lincoln Center in New York City. Hosted by Emmy award-winning anchor David Ushery, the night including networking over hors d'oeuvre with New York's who's who in media, business, arts and philathropy (including Melvin van Peebles, Gina Torres, Laurence Fishburne, Arturo O'Farrill, Charles Hamilton, Christopher J. Williams and Janice Savin Williams) and live performances. Actors Laurence Fishburne and Gina Torres are seen with young actors and performers Talia Whitacker, Brandon Trent and Jaden Michael. (Images: Harlem School of the Arts)more
Christopher J. and Janice Savin Williams, co-founders of The Williams Capital Group, L.P., were honored with the Leadership Award.
Jazz piano sensation and Harlem School of the Arts artist-in-residence Arturo O'Farrill performed before an audience of supporters, board members and celebrities with the New York City skyline as his backdrop. more
Hollywood power couple Laurence Fishburne and Gina Torres accept the Visionary Artist award.
Harlem School of the Arts president and CEO Yvette Campbell (far right) is seen with honorees. Under her leadership, the school has seen tremendous endowment growth as well as forged lucrative partnerships to revive and expand its legacy. more
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