Periscope: Winning at Disrupting Social Media Advertising – Page 3 – Black Enterprise

Periscope: Winning at Disrupting Social Media Advertising

What I also see as a major benefit that can help you avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed as you’re faced with yet another shiny new social media object to master, is that Periscope is ripe for re-purposing your existing content. If you have blog posts, prior ads, other marketing or information that you’ve shared, you can introduce a summary of it to your Periscope audience and then direct them to the original content.

Additionally, your Periscope broadcast will provide you with new material that you may re-purpose elsewhere. So long as you have saved your video, you can:

(1)  Create 15-second snippets and share it to your Instagram page…with a call to action that the full video may be found on your Periscope profile, but ‘only for the next [X] hours.’

(2)  Save and edit, or not, the video and upload it to YouTube, Facebook, Clammr or any other audio/video platforms you use.

(3)  Share the link across your platforms, again, with the disclaimer that it will only be available for a short period of time and that your customers should follow you so they never miss a live broadcast again.

For a complete how-to guide (in print, with video tutorial) check out How To Periscope, by Alaia Williams. Here’s a small sampling of a few other great topical Periscopers to follow:

  • The @BlackEnterprise account has been bringing great live streaming ‘scopes from #EssenceFest and #BmoreAAF, the recent African American Fest in Baltimore.
  • Branding – @JaiStone / @TaniChambers
  • Public speaking – @TalktoAmber
  • Platform building and networking tools for entrepreneurs – @HerPowerHustle
  • Health and wellness (Paleo living) – @Krishna_TheSage
  • Help for single parents – @Kaydyma

Michelle Y. Talbert is an author, recovering attorney and host of the Her Power Hustle Podcast. She is a regular contributor to Black Enterprise. She supports women as they build relationships and networks that take their careers and businesses beyond the next level, with her Her Power Platform™ Program. Click HERE for your instant access to her Social Media Quiz to find your Ideal Client, which provides the top 2 social media site choices for your business.
