Pep Talk: Multitasking to Achieve Your Goals

I’ve always dreamed of opening a clothing boutique. With low overheard, I’ve launched it online. I had a few sales in the beginning but no action for months now. As a full-time employee and part-time graduate student, I’m unable to find the time to market it. I am feeling very defeated. What should I do?

–G. D.
New Orleans

Give yourself credit for what you’ve accomplished toward fulfilling your dream. Wanting a storefront yet starting an e-commerce in the meantime proves you’re flexible and determined. Feeling defeated will only further complicate things. Check your pessimism at the virtual door and regain your momentum.

Evaluate your schedule noting where and how you can break up your

day and/or week to find time to work on your e-commerce boutique. Effective time management and productivity skills will be imperative. Read the article “Avoid Multitasking Madness” (Motivation, February 2010) for tips on effectively managing your responsibilities. In the feature, “Resilience & Recovery,” (December 2009), motivational speaker and author Lisa Nichols recommended entrepreneurs magnify their focus. “Allot periods
of one or two hours to specific tasks, such as marketing, sales calls, or strategizing,” she says. “Let nothing else distract you during that time.” It will be a challenge but the effort you give will impact the results you get–both personally and professionally.

Map out your strategy for how you’d like to market your Website. Just because it is grassroots doesn’t mean you have to do all the work. Create a social media presence so you can begin to build a network of customers and clients. Engage them; you can leverage the relationships as they too assist in getting the word out.

This article originally appeared in the March 2010 issue of Black Enterprise magazine.

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